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Empowerment is Humanity

Yan Taro Project

Horaya Academy, Orphan Care and Water Projects

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Our mission is to build self-sustaining communities that thrive through education, economic development, environmental progress, and the elevation of sacred values.


1. Education

Yan Taro Project will establish school(s) that teach academics and Islamic Sciences.


2. Aid  & Development

Water and sanitation: Many people in The Gambia lack access to clean water and basic sanitation facilities. We work to provide communities with access to safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, and hygiene education. 


3. Social Enterprise

The Gambia is one of the poorest countries in the world, and we work to promote economic development through job creation and small business support by teaching the skills of entrepreneurship with the goal of eradicating poverty.

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Our vision is to make a difference in the lives of children by providing them with a better education at Horaya Academy, supporting orphans with education, healthcare, food aid, and housing, as well as providing access to clean water for communities in need. We believe that water is life, and without clean water, communities cannot survive.

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